Wednesday 29 May 2013

Sexy Christians

I’ve been thinking lately about the perception of Christian women. One thing in particular I’ve noticed is how church tradition emphasizes the attributes of character above anything else. These traits include gentleness, kindness, modesty, compassion, patience, and many more. Character is extremely important not only for your Christian walk but also for you marriage, because as my husband puts it: “your looks attract him; your character keeps him.” 

But I’ve also noticed that because of this over-emphasis I am fearful of being the immoral woman; of dancing too seductively; of dressing too immodestly. I also get the feeling that women use the excuse of character to neglect their appearance, afterall “he should love me for me and not for my looks“. That may be true but again my husband makes a very good point: “yes, he does love you for your character, but he wants the WHOLE package.” 

So I did a little experiment. I started paying attention to the way women dress. I noticed that women in church wear baggy shorts and slops and rather unflattering clothes.  I also noticed that women on the street wear heels and are well-groomed. I asked friends and family what they thought. I made the statement that “Christian women should take care of their appearance and be more sexy. They should visually seduce their husbands more.” The world is constantly bombarding our men with visual images and you definitely want him looking at you and not the secretary at work. It almost saddened me that a Christian man is seduced by a worldly woman and not by a godly woman. God is the maker of beauty and he is the maker of sex. If this is the case, how much more sexy should a godly woman be from a worldly woman?! Of course, I’m making a distinction here between being subtle and outrageous. You also don’t want to be seducing other women’s husbands!

The response I got? Most often the women would remain silent on the matter, or start talking about character again. The men? They all agreed vehemently that Christian women should be more sexy. Pretty obvious to me that women downplay how important the visual is to men. But from my perspective, if your man wants you to be more sexy that is fantastic news because it tells you he wants to have eyes only for you! He wants to be satisfied in you. So… go to belly-dancing classes, or do pole-dancing, wear flattering dresses and skimpy pajamas! Be a little sassy and be a little sexy.