Friday 13 January 2012

Beauty to live up to

A rare beauty

I almost think it was easier for women before there was television and glossy magazines. Women were just who they were. Look at the painting above. It's title is "A rare beauty" and yet her face is a little round and her features average. She has perfect skin and no wrinkles but in my opinion this is a much easier beauty to live up to than the supermodels we see today. And being the rare beauty that she is, makes it even easier for us. She has no super long eyelsashes or luscious hair. She does not have a thin waist and large breasts. She has no wrinkles, granted, but I forgive the painter for this omission. She is innocent. Not provocative. Look at the image below. It's title is "A portrait of a woman". According to the painter, she is what a woman looks like.

A portrait of a woman

The invention of Photoshop where models can be made to look instantly thinner or taller, have larger eyes and higher cheek bones has created an expectation of ideal appearance.Often advertisers will use teenagers of 16 or 17 in their photos, made to appear as grown women. Which of us can compete with them? Women are actually beautiful regardless of their age. My grandmother is the most beautiful gran I know. She has greying hair, a gentle nature, sparkling eyes, a welcoming smile and a radiant face. She is over 90. That is true beauty which has no expiration date.

Movies are even worse. They portray intimacy most passionately and romantically. Think of the third movie in the Twilight Series where Edward breaks the headboard during one such session of love. It is all fantasy but it causes singles to have an unrealistic expectation of intimacy in marriage; and causes married women to be unhappy and dissatisfied with the intimacy they share with their partners. Afterall who can ever cause their husband break the headboard? When I watch movies that contain sex scenes it just causes me to feel like I’m not good enough or like there is something wrong with us.

The happiest times are those when I’m free from the onslaught of the media and so this is what I've strived for. Some tips I can give to turn your back on the media include:

  • Cutting out glossy magazines except the one you buy at the change of season so you can get an idea of the fashion for that season.
  • Cutting out movies with a rating of 13SN. This is challenging because sometimes even the most innocent looking movies have a rating of 13S. Definitely cut out movies with a rating for sex and nudity higher than this, including art movies such as Amelie.
My husband and I don't have a TV and we find this so incredibly freeing. We have more time, more space, more money and are less influenced by the media. The only problem is keeping up with the news but we're working on it!


  1. Need some advice -'the feminine woman and dating'.much love.x

    1. Thank you for your comment.

      Dating is a very interesting relationship because it is somewhat superficial and changeable. By this I mean there is no certainty that you will stay together and get married. Also you can’t share everything yet, so it is a little more complex because you are not his and he is not yours.

      In attracting your future partner remember that you first catch a man’s eye and then he discovers who you are. Wear feminine clothing: skirts, dresses and heals (refer to to the Fascinating Feminine page). Look after yourself and always look good when you leave the house. This means doing your make-up and hair and wearing flattering clothing. Take care of your figure by eating right and exercising. Strive for radiant health (refer to the Wellness page).

      Femininity attracts masculinity. Try to appear gentle, soft, and in need of a man’s protection. Be fun-loving and carefree: have innocent carefree-ness. When dating do not lift heavy objects or change a light bulb. Leave that for your boyfriend to do. It will make him feel more manly, and will make you appear more feminine and in need of his masculine care. Allow him to open the car door for you; walk through a door first; ask him to help you. If he buys you a gift show great excitement and express your gratitude and thanks. Be changeful in your emotions: don’t try to hide your tears when you are upset over a sad movie or a dead cat. Let him see how fragile you are and he will want to put his arms around you and protect you. When you go for dinner do not pay for yourself or for him, but allow him to cover the bill. Do not appear too independent. A man is attracted to a woman who needs him. Always express thanks for a night out and for things he does for you. Appreciation is a great encourager.

      When dating, it is of utmost importance that you guard your heart by being chaste. Remember you are not his and he is not yours. Have high moral standards and do not lower them. Save your body for your husband. By doing this you will be seen as a treasure: a diamond amongst the rocks, because with today’s lowered standards you will be one of a kind. This will attract the right sort of man, a good man. A boyfriend who pressures you to lower your standards will soon give up and move on, opening the door for the best man to pursue you. By doing this you will also be protecting yourself from extreme heart-ache if you do break-up. If you have already given in to passion in previous relationships resolve to remain pure until marriage. This is noble and honourable and will be greatly appreciated by a good man.

      Know yourself and be happy with who you are. If you are happy with yourself single then you will be happy with yourself in a relationship. Know that you are the crown of creation and that God wants you to have the very best man.

      Although a feminine woman is fragile she is also strong. She stands by her beliefs and does not compromise. She is feisty when done wrong and she will not stand for being treated badly. If your boyfriend mistreats you remember it will get worse in marriage (after all, he then has you tied to him). Say to him that you will not stand for such treatment and if he continues you will leave. Then leave if it doesn’t improve and find someone who will treat you like his queen.

      As a final note: if ever in doubt as to how to express your femininity think of a little girl. Think of how she responds to excitement, sadness, anger and joy. She is so cute and innocent and invokes softening of hearts. I will post some literary examples of feminine women so that you can see how :-) I hope this helps!
