Thursday 26 January 2012

Easier, Faster, Better

It is common knowledge that fruit and vegetables are healthy. But did you know that the skins and cores of these fruit and vegetables are even healthier? Many vitamins and minerals are found just below the skin so if you peel a potato or remove the skin from an apple you are actually shaving off a large portion of the nutrients you would be eating.

Many recipe books instruct us to peel the potato or take the skin of the tomato or remove the pips from a chilli. Why? Is it really going to make that much difference to the dish? I actually prefer potato salad with the skins included because it adds a nice texture and I know it’s healthier. 

After one evening bent over the chopping board tediously removing every seed from three chillies before chopping them, I decided: “No ways I’m not going to stand for hours making food”. The next time I made a chilli dish I chopped the chillies and threw them into the pot. What a surprise, I would never had known I’d added the seeds!

It’s easier, it’s faster, and it’s better to leave the skins on fruit and vegetables. It can cut down preparation and cooking time by a third depending on what you’re making. That leaves you with healthier food and more time to enjoy your family, your guests or reading your book!

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